Raising Kids with Christian Values

Raising kids with Christian values may seem easy in some ways. However, as we all know, raising children is not as easy as it appears. Therefore, you should be prepared for a few struggles along the way. Especially when it comes to ensuring your children have all the Christian values you would like them to. Thankfully, there are many ways to share the Christian values you treasure the most. A few options you have include Christian books and bibles, Christian movies, and Christian apparel.
Raising Kids with Christian Values
One of the best ways to raise kids with Christian values is to model the behavior you would love your children to follow. After all, children follow your lead and mimic your behavior. If you show love to others, your child will do the same. When your child sees you reading Christian books and bibles, they will pick up the same type of reading material. If your child sees you being honest with everyone, they will be honest with their friends and other people they meet.
We are sure you can see where we are going with this.
You may be looking for more specific ways to get your kids to have those Christian values you have come to expect from yourself over the years though. No worries, we have exactly what you are looking for!
8 Things to Do to Raise Kids with Christian Value
- Come Together as a Family for a Daily Scripture Study
Daily scripture studies will allow your entire family to learn what is important as a Christian. These daily readings can easily be done using a Christian bible or other Christian books. This can be an activity that is difficult for younger children, because they don’t like to sit still for long. But if you make it into a fun activity, younger kids will enjoy it just the same. And trust us, they will learn something even though they are wiggling or walking around!
2. Reinforce Values that are Important
You may see your kids demonstrating so many of the Christian values you are trying to model for them already. But your kids may not know that they are actually doing them. This is why it is extremely important to reinforce these values with your children. Tell them you are happy they are being kind to a friend or how they are being resourceful. This reinforcement will show your child they are on the right path and may lead to even bigger discussions as your child gets older.
3. Utilize Christian Movies and Books to Start Conversations
Sometimes meaningful conversations with your children will come from the least expected places. You can be watching a movie or television show, or even reading a book, and your child may have some pretty good questions or opinions about what you are reading or seeing.
You can have these conversations with your child from any show, movie, or book. But we recommend making sure you have a good supply of Christian movies and Christian books on hand. This will ensure you can have many conversations about the Christian values you are trying to demonstrate.
4. Have Family Prayers Every Day
It is important to spend time every day, praying as a family. Doing this activity will show your kids that you pray daily. And it will show them that they should do the same. You can pray at the breakfast table or at dinner. Or you can choose to pray at night before you tuck the kids into bed. There is no right or wrong time to pray with your family, as long as you are doing it.
5. Spend Time Together as a Family

Spending time together as a family will allow you to have fun while making memories you will cherish forever. This is the time to model the Christian values you want your children to mimic. You can plan fun adventures out in nature, at a restaurant, or even at a miniature golf course. You can all dress in matching Christian apparel, leave your smartphones at home, and simply connect. The possibilities are endless when it comes to being with the ones you love.
6. Take Advantage of Every Teachable Moment
There are so many times children show us teachable moments and yet we miss them. This can be due to work, the busyness of raising a family, and so much more. We must embrace these teachable moments though and use them to our advantage. This is the time to talk with your children, answer their questions, and be with them. Pull out Christian books and bibles to show them scripture or give them examples. You can even watch a Christian movie with your kids to show them they are not alone with any teachable moment.
7. Showcase Examples on the Walls
As wonderful as Christian books and bibles are, as well as Christian movies, sometimes a quick glance at scripture on the wall is all kids need for a reminder. Place scripture in frames and hang them on the wall. You can do the same thing with meaningful quotes too. And if you want your kids to remember their Christian values throughout the day, purchase some Christian apparel with meaningful quotes.
8. Ask Those Tough Questions

You may think that you are not getting through to your children. It happens! But that doesn’t mean you should give up! Keep asking those tough questions. Challenge what your child is thinking. Ask them where they are getting their information from and then show them where you are getting yours. You will be amazed at how these conversations can end up if you take the time to ask the tough questions.
It may not be easy to raise kids with Christian values, but you can do it by simply showing up as a parent. Keep your Christian books and bibles visible and read them every day. Have family movie nights complete with Christian movies. And choose Christian apparel for your kids to wear. Doing all these things will help your children embrace Christian values as much as you do.